Friday, September 21, 2012

The Gift of Being Gifted

Being gifted is like a gift, basically.  Your given it even if you don't want it and its your job to figure out how you want to use the gift.  Being gifted has its ups and downs.  The advantages of being gifted are amazing!  You can see and create things that average people cannot.  Basically, your a pair of fresh new eyes ready to let your mind wonder.  Also, being gifted opens you up to more opportunities to your future.  For example, taking a gifted class is considered honors credit and could help you out at college.  Moreover, you exceed in the talent you love.  For instance, I love art and I am (I think) really good at it.  Being gifted also means that you are challenged; consequently, you make mistakes that you can learn from.
However, being gifted has a few disadvantages.  Firstly, people make fun of you because your considered a "nerd".  But in my mind, being in a gifted class does not mean I'm  a nerd.  Also, people take advantage of you.  For example, sometimes people ask me for answers on homework, yet they never do anything for me.  The biggest disadvantage of being gifted is that there are always high expectations from you.  My parents always expect me to get good grades.  If I get a low B or a C, I feel like I let them down.  Also, the people you go to school with always expect you to be the best of the class and when you fail their image of you, they might think nothing of you.
There are also some myths or rumors that are spread around about gifted students.  One of them is that they always get straight A's.  That is true in my case, but I know a couple of people who are gifted yet they don't have straight A's.  Also, people's image of a gifted person is dorky students with glasses and braces but that is not true.  I don't wear plaid skirts and huge glasses, however, I do have braces , but that's not the point.  In addition, gifted people are thought to be top of the class or top in sports, but they're not sometimes!  I know I'm not top of the class but I am still gifted.
On the other hand, the truth about being gifted is that gifted students are above average compared to an average student.  Their maturity is developed asynchronous, which means their emotional, physical, intellectual, and social maturity is developed at different times.  One last truth about gifted students is that they excel in at least one thing, such as music or art. 
Being gifted has many disadvantages but the advantages defiantly overpower them!

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