Saturday, October 13, 2012

Is there a problem with creativity?

Over the past few years, more and more technology have been created, making it easier on us to do simple things like making flyers or even a card.  This major change has greatly impacted our schools.  The creativity level has decreased so much which is very sad.  I do agree with the TED talk because I experience it everyday in school.  We do the same boring essays and posters for projects!  We should have a choice!  Some people are highly talented in video-editing, so why can't they make a video?  The problem is, it isn't easy because it's creative.  It makes us think more, which is why I wonder why schools don't practice creativity as much because it does make us think more!
I think not practicing creativity is going to harm us in the future!  We won't be able to invent new things and just even come up with ideas.  We're too focused on all these other things that we don't even realize that without creativity, none of the "things" we use everyday would exist! This "creativity crisis" is a major crisis because it's putting a hole in our lives that we may never get to cover back up.  I found this "creative" article that explains the benefits of creativity!  I hope when you read it that you learn all the wonderful things creativity can do for you and why we should practice it.

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