Monday, October 15, 2012

My Learing Styles

When I took the Gardner and the Gregorc tests, I thought I knew what type of learning style I would be.  However, I was shocked to see how completely different I am!  On the Gregorc test, I tied between Abstract and Concrete Random.  I had a feeling that I would score higher in the Abstract Random but not in the Concrete Random.  Basically, the Abstract Random learning styles says that I'm emotional and have deep feelings towards things, I am colorful and imagenative, and I like to discuss things, all which relates to me.  I learn best through group work and role play.  Acting out scenes is easier to understand.  However, I was surprised to match up with Concrete Random because the characteristics state that I'm independant (which I am but not all the time), investigative, curious, and problem-solvers.  It also said that these types of learners, learn best through games and stimulations, which (I think) is not me.  However, after thinking about Concrete Random, I started realizing some of the similarities like how I'm creative and like few restrictions.

On the Gardner test, I scored highest in musical.  I think this "catorgory" fits me best because I love music and dance and I think I can read it more so than others.  However, I don't play any instruments but I know I am capable of teaching myself.  For example, I taught myself a few songs on the piano.  I also scored high on the inter-personal which I know is right because I am very empathetic and can read others' emotions.  A person I admire is Lady Gaga because she stands up for what she believes in.  I think she is inter-personal because she does know how people are feeling about bullying because she can relate to them and applies that to her music.  Another person I admire is Nicholas Sparks (my favorite writer!).  I think he would be linguistic because (obvisouly) he writes but; futhermore, he knows how to write and grab the readers' attention.  One last person who I admire is my cousin, Danny, because of how successful he is, just starting college.  His learning style is definatly mathmatical-logical because he loves to solve things and applies all of his knowledge to problems in real life.  

Those were my results to the Gardner and Gregorc tests! 

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