Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Freedom of Speech: Malala Yousafzai

I have many thoughts and questions on the general topic of freedom of speech.  However, one that dwells on my mind is if we didn't have freedom of speech, what would or nation be like?  This question  reminds me of a specific example which I'm going to write to you about: Malala Yousafzai.  She was a blogger in Pakistan who started an organization called Championing Girls’ Education which stood for girls to have an education.  The Taliban "wanted to silence" and held a bullet to her head. Malala Yousafzai is a remarkable person and would do anything for her rights to education.

But my question is why?  How is she so determined to get girls the education needed, so much that she would risk her life?  She is basically putting herself on the line for girls all around the world.  Another question I have is, is the governement of Pakistan going to do anything other than find the people who did this to her?  Malala used the act of freedom of speech when spreading the word across that girls should recieve an education.  The Taliban violated that right so I think the government should set a few laws that forbids any type of violence to happen when someone speaks their mind.

However, I believe the reason for why Malala risked her life for all the girls with no education is because if she didn't, nobody else would have.  To me, if you want to make a difference in the world, you have to start with yourself.  This famous quote has floated around but I really think Malala took it and did it.  She knew no other girl would stand up and risk their life so Malala did it. 

Freedom of speech is a gift in my opinion, so take advantage of it.  And remember, in order to make a differnece in the world,you have to start with yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Malala Yousafzai's story is amazing. This was an excellent blog post!
