Tuesday, January 15, 2013

20% project

For my 20% project, I am recording seconds of my life everyday and slurring them together into a 3-5 minute movie.  The materials I plan to use are as follows: my iPhone, my camera, Movie Maker so therefore a laptop, and of course the everyday materials I use in my life.  Then I am planning to research more about Ceser Kuriyama (the creator of A Second Everyday) and basically why he decided to do this.  The materials i will need for this is a laptop and possibly a notebook to jot all of the info down.  I also am throwing all the research into a powerpoint; consequently, i will need microsift powerpoint.  The roadblocks that i anticipate is figuiring out how to transfer the movie from my phone or camera onto the computer.  I also am afraid of being short on research on Ceser Kuriyama.  Lastly, i am afraid that i will forget to film some days so then i might be short of videos.  I can't "consult" really anybody with my project since this porject is basically an autobiography of me so i guess i could consult myself.  I can't talk to Ceser Kuriyama in person but research can replace that.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolution

During 2012, I have learned many things that has changed me as a person for the better.  One that has had made a major impact on my life is learning to not worry about what others thought of you.  When I was in 7th grade, I made sure I pleased everybody by helping them do their homework or loning them money for lunch.  I even ignored some of my friends at times that weren't considered cool so others would talk to me who didn't even know my name.  But I learned that even though some of my friends weren't the coolest kids, they made laugh and I always enjoyed my time I spent with them were all my fun memories I took with me when I moved into 8th grade.  So after all the awkward moments with people who I thought were my friends, I realized that you can't change who you are so other can use you.  You have to be your own person and live life to the fullest.
With that being said, my New Year's resolution is to hold my head up high when times are tough and live life without worries.  I'm also hoping I can learn to respect my parents more since they are always doing favors for me.  Plus, I hope that when I turn 15 I can find a job so I don't have to keep asking my parents for money and I can start planning for my future.  One thing I resolve not to do is procrastinate but I know that won't happen!  
I hope 2013 will bring many opportunities!  I am looking forward to the new year!