Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Freedom of Speech: Malala Yousafzai

I have many thoughts and questions on the general topic of freedom of speech.  However, one that dwells on my mind is if we didn't have freedom of speech, what would or nation be like?  This question  reminds me of a specific example which I'm going to write to you about: Malala Yousafzai.  She was a blogger in Pakistan who started an organization called Championing Girls’ Education which stood for girls to have an education.  The Taliban "wanted to silence" and held a bullet to her head. Malala Yousafzai is a remarkable person and would do anything for her rights to education.

But my question is why?  How is she so determined to get girls the education needed, so much that she would risk her life?  She is basically putting herself on the line for girls all around the world.  Another question I have is, is the governement of Pakistan going to do anything other than find the people who did this to her?  Malala used the act of freedom of speech when spreading the word across that girls should recieve an education.  The Taliban violated that right so I think the government should set a few laws that forbids any type of violence to happen when someone speaks their mind.

However, I believe the reason for why Malala risked her life for all the girls with no education is because if she didn't, nobody else would have.  To me, if you want to make a difference in the world, you have to start with yourself.  This famous quote has floated around but I really think Malala took it and did it.  She knew no other girl would stand up and risk their life so Malala did it. 

Freedom of speech is a gift in my opinion, so take advantage of it.  And remember, in order to make a differnece in the world,you have to start with yourself.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Walmart Black Friday Walk-out

Walmart is known for selling their products at a low and affordable rate.  We might think that benefits us.  But what we don't know is that maybe our neighbor, friend, or family member who works for Walmart is in major crisis when it comes to paying their monthly bills.  On black friday, Walmarts all over the country lacked employees due to walk-outs.  Emlpoyees are unhappy with their minimum wage profit.  Apparently, Walmart's low-wage business model helps it provide bargain prices that low-income Americans rely on.  However, did you know that Walmart workers as a whole  use $2.66 billion annually in food stamps, Medicaid, and other government assistance.  I know when my dad was laid off, we had enough to provide for ourselves and have money to spare.  But these employees have to ask help form the government and they have jobs.  In Bentonville Behemoth  where a major protest took place, many Walmart employees walked out to let Walmart know they were unhappy with their incomes.  I believe the workers should be paid more considering all the struggles they been through.  The right below here tells a story of Walmart employees actually wanting to work full time and earn the money they deserve.  To me, if people volunteer to work more hours, they should get the opportunity to do so.  Even if means that Walmart has to start raising their product's prices because it is unfair for all the employees.  My source is:

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Learing Styles

When I took the Gardner and the Gregorc tests, I thought I knew what type of learning style I would be.  However, I was shocked to see how completely different I am!  On the Gregorc test, I tied between Abstract and Concrete Random.  I had a feeling that I would score higher in the Abstract Random but not in the Concrete Random.  Basically, the Abstract Random learning styles says that I'm emotional and have deep feelings towards things, I am colorful and imagenative, and I like to discuss things, all which relates to me.  I learn best through group work and role play.  Acting out scenes is easier to understand.  However, I was surprised to match up with Concrete Random because the characteristics state that I'm independant (which I am but not all the time), investigative, curious, and problem-solvers.  It also said that these types of learners, learn best through games and stimulations, which (I think) is not me.  However, after thinking about Concrete Random, I started realizing some of the similarities like how I'm creative and like few restrictions.

On the Gardner test, I scored highest in musical.  I think this "catorgory" fits me best because I love music and dance and I think I can read it more so than others.  However, I don't play any instruments but I know I am capable of teaching myself.  For example, I taught myself a few songs on the piano.  I also scored high on the inter-personal which I know is right because I am very empathetic and can read others' emotions.  A person I admire is Lady Gaga because she stands up for what she believes in.  I think she is inter-personal because she does know how people are feeling about bullying because she can relate to them and applies that to her music.  Another person I admire is Nicholas Sparks (my favorite writer!).  I think he would be linguistic because (obvisouly) he writes but; futhermore, he knows how to write and grab the readers' attention.  One last person who I admire is my cousin, Danny, because of how successful he is, just starting college.  His learning style is definatly mathmatical-logical because he loves to solve things and applies all of his knowledge to problems in real life.  

Those were my results to the Gardner and Gregorc tests! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Is there a problem with creativity?

Over the past few years, more and more technology have been created, making it easier on us to do simple things like making flyers or even a card.  This major change has greatly impacted our schools.  The creativity level has decreased so much which is very sad.  I do agree with the TED talk because I experience it everyday in school.  We do the same boring essays and posters for projects!  We should have a choice!  Some people are highly talented in video-editing, so why can't they make a video?  The problem is, it isn't easy because it's creative.  It makes us think more, which is why I wonder why schools don't practice creativity as much because it does make us think more!
I think not practicing creativity is going to harm us in the future!  We won't be able to invent new things and just even come up with ideas.  We're too focused on all these other things that we don't even realize that without creativity, none of the "things" we use everyday would exist! This "creativity crisis" is a major crisis because it's putting a hole in our lives that we may never get to cover back up.  I found this "creative" article that explains the benefits of creativity!  I hope when you read it that you learn all the wonderful things creativity can do for you and why we should practice it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Grades... really?

The purpose of grades are to judge your ability to learn new things and apply them to real life.  I don't really mind the current grade system but I think it doesn't represent you as a person.  I do not think the current grading system represents your knowledge because they are just numbers and letters.  I think we should do a combination of both the current and standard grading system so you can see how many points you got out of a hundred and you can see how well you did which is very important.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Gift of Being Gifted

Being gifted is like a gift, basically.  Your given it even if you don't want it and its your job to figure out how you want to use the gift.  Being gifted has its ups and downs.  The advantages of being gifted are amazing!  You can see and create things that average people cannot.  Basically, your a pair of fresh new eyes ready to let your mind wonder.  Also, being gifted opens you up to more opportunities to your future.  For example, taking a gifted class is considered honors credit and could help you out at college.  Moreover, you exceed in the talent you love.  For instance, I love art and I am (I think) really good at it.  Being gifted also means that you are challenged; consequently, you make mistakes that you can learn from.
However, being gifted has a few disadvantages.  Firstly, people make fun of you because your considered a "nerd".  But in my mind, being in a gifted class does not mean I'm  a nerd.  Also, people take advantage of you.  For example, sometimes people ask me for answers on homework, yet they never do anything for me.  The biggest disadvantage of being gifted is that there are always high expectations from you.  My parents always expect me to get good grades.  If I get a low B or a C, I feel like I let them down.  Also, the people you go to school with always expect you to be the best of the class and when you fail their image of you, they might think nothing of you.
There are also some myths or rumors that are spread around about gifted students.  One of them is that they always get straight A's.  That is true in my case, but I know a couple of people who are gifted yet they don't have straight A's.  Also, people's image of a gifted person is dorky students with glasses and braces but that is not true.  I don't wear plaid skirts and huge glasses, however, I do have braces , but that's not the point.  In addition, gifted people are thought to be top of the class or top in sports, but they're not sometimes!  I know I'm not top of the class but I am still gifted.
On the other hand, the truth about being gifted is that gifted students are above average compared to an average student.  Their maturity is developed asynchronous, which means their emotional, physical, intellectual, and social maturity is developed at different times.  One last truth about gifted students is that they excel in at least one thing, such as music or art. 
Being gifted has many disadvantages but the advantages defiantly overpower them!

Monday, September 17, 2012

All About Me!

My name is Catherine.  I am in 8th grade.  My favorite subject in school would be rogate!:)  My favorite topics to learn about outside of school is piano and swimming! During my free time I like to hang out with my friends.  I want to be an editor when I grow up.  Lastly,  a lot of things make me happy:)